The goal of the Charlottesville Catholic School technology curriculum is to allow students to be informed users of information technology. This includes understanding the basics of computer hardware, proficiency in productivity applications, the concept of intellectual property rights, information literacy, and the effective use of the Internet as a research tool. Information technology as a tool for enabling learning is the core principal of our program.
The curriculum starts with basic skills such as keyboarding. It progresses through word processing, use of web resources and production of reports – be they text documents, slideshow presentations, posters, or other forms. It culminates with students using a variety of software to add “masterpieces” to their digital portfolio.
The technology program at Charlottesville Catholic School is divided into two sections, K-5 learning and Middle School learning.
Middle School Technology
In the middle school we move from learning the computer to truly using the computer as a tool for productivity, and even more, for creativity. Middle school students also participate in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program; they are expected to have their device with them for each class, which allows them to utilize technology across multiple subjects and platforms.